- 金钱
- 61857
适合一个人静静地听:Nothing Without You,from Vienna Teng,有种缱绻的味道……
screen.width-461) window.open('http://www.huabianxia.com/newcity/attachments/forumid_10/papayas,20051204293_ZICz.jpg');" src="http://www.huabianxia.com/newcity/attachments/forumid_10/papayas,20051204293_ZICz.jpg" border=0> /t?VR[^(
这种歌曲应该是适合一个人很沉静的时候听吧, s0~N{v
第一次是被歌曲的名字吸引, 1E1sry)s
然后慢慢进入到歌者营造的意境中。 E]F+?aEi
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All my maps will only show me how to lose my way G`Joq ?
这句词让我感受到了中文的博大精深, h`zY~n F
虽然是句英文, KCpIaoC3!
但是那种感觉,即使直译出来也很有味道: wh2 /otS
所有的地图只是告诉我如何迷失…… [-6X$Y<<9
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最值得回味的是, !)h!6n
歌里如此生动的You, ^E,_?eKz
却don't know who you are, tE9 ,i8
不禁让我想起电影《The lake house》中那隔世的姻缘, ?ODWk3@(#V
冥冥之中知道互相的存在, mEs3:nH/
但是却无法相逢。 M[`9"X
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仍然形单影只的你是否在心中等待他的出现呢? 7rbVmx
是否已经有了一份缱绻的心情, e:/ %RY
是否已经有了一种依恋的情愫, Rg;nnP
是否也在寻找等着你的那个他呢? Yxz fL
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我没有水晶球, 9] CP9tV5
所以不能够回答你…… d 7\)$ ^
相信每个人心中都有答案, [Ko$FM>.
希望大家的下一个214不再等待。 8A"eGrj"Ai
N7OqW ,&Z
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有的时候,只是一种精神上的依赖, U1NG*2:
也许并不真实存在, ^?Nu`
但是那种亦真亦幻的感觉, :V LTu
也很美…… ~HP;TZ)\
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screen.width-461) window.open('http://bbs.621000.net/imgok/yy2006/post-213533-1153836123.jpg');" src="http://bbs.621000.net/imgok/yy2006/post-213533-1153836123.jpg" border=0>GwgiH u
It's the quiet night that breaks me cRIpc_OJ$
I cannot stand the sight of this familiar place 2Qk?FS?7
It's the quiet night that breaks me A?_);A;i
Like a dozen papercuts that only I can trace iFs%9
XBA ? 94s
All my books are lying useless now !LpG-]
All my maps will only show me how to lose my way L]F7\ {M
o."8C v$
Oh call my name, you know my name RE_ 2iOYs
And in that sound, everything will change WLQ!u#J8
Tell me it won't always be this hard c^hwh P$
I am nothing without you, but I don't know who you are JjSfLm
F vG]
It's the crowded room that breaks me Qg2NQ|@f
Everybody looks so luminous, and strangely young pzvs3:e;
It's the crowded room that's never heard ^Km7k"hF9
No one here can say a word of my native tongue 1_HUoicK9
I can't be among them anymore R v.
I fold myself away before it burns me numb aM^.CYa
Oh call my name, you know my name qlQQX &-
And in your love, everything will change 'oJ'S+
Tell me it won't always be this hard nHth~
I am nothing without you, but I don't know who you are