发表于 2007-6-17 11:53
发表于 中国–江苏–扬州–仪征市 电信
Quote:子欲舞而亲不在 ------ 一首催人泪下的蓝调( R& B ) To Dance With My Father Again
突然,一个情真意挚的中年男声如泣如诉,初成曲调即有情。一个中年男人,表达了他对已经逝世的父亲那份思念,歉疚和爱,与中国传统的“树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不在”的孝道异曲同工。演唱者 Luther Vandross 是蓝调的殿堂级人物,唱了许多脍炙人口的歌曲,凭生获奖无数。他还因此歌而获得 2004 年的格莱美奖。
Quote:To Dance With My Father Again
By: Luther Vandross
Back when I was a child
before life removed all the innocence
my father would lift me high
and dance with my mother and me and then
spin me around till I fell asleep
then up the stairs he would carry me
and I knew for sure, I was loved
If I could get
another chance
another walk
another dance with him
I'd play a song that would never ever end
how I'd love love love
to dance with my father again
Quote:第一段回忆了孩提时代父亲让孩子骑在脖子上,和妈妈一起跳舞,直至孩子酣然入梦,才把他抱上楼去。既表达了父亲那份舔犊深情,也让我们感到家庭的温馨,父亲和母亲那份相濡以沫的爱情。我的思绪也随着歌声,回到了童年:父亲骑着自行车,驮着我上街,给我买最爱吃的甘草杨桃,鸟梨(一种小沙皮梨) ……
Quoteooo when I and my mother would disagee
to get my way I would run from her to him
he'd make me laugh just to comfort me yeah yeah
then finally make me do just what my momma said
later that night when I was asleep
he left a dollar under my sheet
never dreamed that he would be gone from me
If I could steal one final glance,
one final step
one final dance with him
I'd play a song that would never ever end
cause I'd love, love, love, to dance with my father again
Quote:sometimes I'd listen outside her door
and I hear how my mother cried for him
I'd pray for her even more than me
I'd pray for her even more than me
I know I'm praying
for much to much
but could you send back
the only man she loved
I know you don't do it usually
but dear lord she's dying
to dance with my father again
every night I fall asleep
and this is all I ever dream
Quote:最后这一段最是催人泪下,令人心碎!从儿子的口中诉说了母亲对逝去丈夫的无限哀思和眷恋,并向上苍祈求,让父亲复活回到爱着他的妻儿身边。这里不仅表达了对父亲的思念,更委婉地表达了对孤寂的妈妈的心疼,愧疚和孝心。都说男儿有泪不轻弹,听到这里,我还是把手伸向纸巾盒 …… 因为它让我想起银丝满头的妈妈,多年来为照顾因中风而行动不便的父亲,任劳任怨全天候护理陪伴着他。每年回去看到她日渐憔悴,身体大不如前,心中也有如歌中的那份愧疚和心疼。妈妈,儿子不孝,身在万水千山之外,无法与你分担辛劳。还望你自己多多保重 |