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发表于 2004-6-11 00:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 发表于 中国–湖南–株洲 中移铁通

    1998年初以首支單曲「No, No, No」便成功登上Billboard流行單曲排行榜#3名(R&B單曲榜冠軍)寶座,並迅速創下破百萬張的白金銷售紀錄的四人團體Destiny's Child,是由LaTavia, Beyonce, Kelly及LeToya這四位來自德州休士頓市,兼具美麗、頭腦與才華的女子所組成,且值得一提的是她們當時的平均年齡才僅僅16歲。話雖如此,Destiny's Child的成團歷史卻遠遠追溯至她們都還是9或10歲的小學生,所以說她們可說是已將自己過去寶貴人生的大半時光,都花費在為這值得驕傲的一刻做準備與努力,可謂實至名歸。

     事實上,Destiny's Child在為Columbia唱片公司簽約為旗下團體前,便已是其家鄉最熱門的表演團體之一,也曾受邀參與Dru Hill, SWV等當紅R&B藝人團體在休士頓市當地所舉辦的演唱會、擔任暖場表演團體。Destiny's Child各具特色的嗓音、默契十足且優美的合音、充滿青春氣息亮麗的外型,以及穩定熟練的表演台風,不僅受到樂迷的肯定與喜愛,為她們的音樂生涯奠定了很好的基礎,更是她們得以於1998年初以首支單曲「No, No, No」即能迅速竄起一鳴驚人的一大利器!

     Destiny's Child的首張同名專輯中,除了收錄有首支排行榜 #3名單曲「No, No, No」外,還有多首由樂壇的當紅人物參與譜寫製作的作品,包括了Tony Toni Tone's的Dwayne Wiggins所製作的「Second Nature」「Killing Time」「Bridges」等歌,其中「Killing Time」已率先被全美票房冠軍電影"MIB星際戰警"相中,收錄至其原聲帶中率先曝光。此外,專輯中還收錄有當紅R&B美聲團體Boyz II Men的幕後功臣Tim & Bob所操刀製作的「Tell Me」,Fugges的混音大師成員Wyclef Jean所製作之另一版本的「No, No, No」,以及團員親自參與填詞譜寫製作的作品「Show Me」。如今,Destiny's Child的首張同名專輯,不僅已在單曲「No, No, No」的推波助瀾下,銷售亦一路長紅地衝破50萬張的金唱片紀錄大關,為她們奠定了穩固的市場基礎,更為其家鄉德州打破了長久以來只有鄉村樂盛行的窠臼形象,而開啟了新的音樂方向。

      1999年7月,繼其在樂壇一舉成名之同名專輯發行近一年半後,Destiny's Child再度推出了首張全新作品"The Writing's On The Wall 有跡可循",並參與了更多的詞曲創作與製作工作。如今平均年齡已屆18歲的團員們,除了藉由作品來呈現她們在心智上的成長,將寫作範疇從唯一的愛情關係擴展到各種人際關係上,探討人生的各種真實面與灰色地帶外,更邀來多位先前未曾合作過的當紅超級製作人,企圖創造出更新的樂風與聲音來。但此同時,她們亦仍保留了原來簡單、朗朗上口且帶有押韻意味的詞句特色。首支強勢單曲「Bills, Bills, Bills」以及另外兩首快版的歌曲「So Good」「Bug A Boo」,便邀來樂壇當紅炸子雞Kevin "She'kspere" Briggs(TLC的多週冠軍單曲「No Scrubs」的幕後創作功臣)來合寫及製作,並已迅速登上Billboard單曲榜冠軍寶座。此外,專輯中還收錄有Rodney Jerkins製作的「Say My Name」,Daryl Simmons製作、優美哀愁的「Stay」,當紅男聲團體Next跨刀獻聲合作的「If You Leave」,以及另一當紅團體Tony Toni Ton的Dwayne Wiggins捉刀製作的「Temptation」,展現團員更臻成熟嗓音、建立新R&B經典情歌典範的「Now That She's Gone」..等,果真為Destiny's Child再創了樂壇新高峰!

     2000年一開春,Destiny's Child便經歷了團員的變動,原來的LaTavia與LeToya更換為18歲的Farrah Franklin以及19歲的Michelle Williams,其中18歲的Farrah Franklin又在不到半年後離開,但Destiny's Child在Beyonce Knowles及Kelly Rowland這兩位樂團原創始者及靈魂人物的領導下,不但絲毫不受影響,反而成績更加突飛猛進。

     截至2001年2月止,"The Writing's On The Wall"便已創下全球9百萬張、全美6白金的銷售紀錄,並相繼創造了「Bills Bills Bills」「Bug A Boo」「Say My Name」「Jumpin Jumpin」等四首暢銷單曲,其中「Bills Bills Bills」「Say My Name」並雙雙成為Billboard Hot 100及R&B單曲榜的雙料冠軍單曲。另外,Destiny's Child 於2000年底首次擔當重任、為全美賣座冠軍電影"Charlie's Angels霹靂嬌娃"演唱的主題曲「Independent Women Part 1」,不僅一舉拿下全美單曲排行11週冠軍,成為橫跨2000, 2001年的跨世紀冠軍單曲,並以首週空降全英排行冠軍寶座之勢,不僅成為1989年以來首支登上該寶座的美國女子組合,更成為有史以來第一個空降英國排行#1席次的美國女子團體!

     除了獲得市場上的銷售數字肯定外,Destiny's Child亦同樣已獲得無數學術性的獎座肯定,不僅拿下NAACP Image Award的"傑出團體"大獎,榮獲第16屆MTV音樂錄影帶獎"最佳節奏藍調音樂錄影帶獎",以及"年度藝人""年度團體""年度熱門百名單曲藝人""年度熱門百名單曲團體"等4座Billboard音樂獎,更以「Say My Name」一曲一舉拿下2001年第43屆葛萊美音樂獎的"最佳節奏藍調合唱團"及"最佳節奏藍調歌曲"雙項大獎!

     2001年5月,Destiny's Child樂壇生涯的第三張專輯,也是她們更換新血縮編為三人團體之後的首張作品"Survivor"隆重登場!新專輯中共收錄18首全新作品,除了「Emotion」一曲是重新翻唱Bee Gees的名曲外,其餘的17首新作,全是由Beyonce與人共同譜寫製作完成,而她的音樂創作及製作功力,亦早已藉由「Independent Women Part 1」這首席捲全球的冠軍單曲而獲得最佳的認證!此輯中不僅收錄了「Independent Women Part 1」這首為電影《霹靂嬌娃》所量身打造、一舉拿下全美單曲排行11週冠軍的超級單曲,還有僅以超強的點播人氣便強勢挺進全美流行單曲榜亞軍席次的2001年首支全新單曲「Survivor」,以及節奏俏皮好比卡通配乐「Independent Women Part 2」,展現優美和音的「Emotion」,取樣'80年代紅透全球的歐式舞曲名作「Tarzan Boy」的「Nasty Girl」,將多首經典福音歌曲重新詮釋而成的「Gospel Medley」。Destiny's Child勢必將再憑藉此輯,創造更輝煌的演藝事業!

歌名:Brown Eyes
Remember the first day when I saw your face?
Remember the first day when you smiled at me?
You stepped to me, and then you said to me,
I was the woman you dreamed about
Remember the first day when you called my house?
Remember the first day when you took me out?
We had butterflies although we tried to hide it,
And we both had a beautiful night
The way we held each other's hand
The way we talked, the way we laughed
It felt so good to find true love
I knew right then and there you were the one ooh oh oooh
I know that he loves me, cause he told me so
I know that he loves me, cause his feelings show
When he stares at me you see he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
And he's missing me, if he's not kissing me
And when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul
Remember the first day, the first day we kissed?
Remember the first day we had an arguement?
We apologized, and then we compromised
And we haven't argued since
Remember the first day we stopped playing games?
Remember the first day you fell in love with me?
It felt so good for you to say those words
Cause I felt the same way tooo
The way we held each other's hand
The way we talked the way we laughed
It felt soo good to fall in love
And I knew right then and there you were the one ooh oh ohh woah
I know that he loves me, cause he told me so
I know that he loves me, cause his feelings show
When he stare at me you see he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
And he's missing me, if he's not kissing me
And when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul
I'm so happy, so happy that you're in my life
And baby now that you're a part of me
You showed me
Showed me the true meaning of love
And I know he loves me
I know that he loves me, cause he told me so
I know that he loves me, cause his feelings show
When he stares at me you see he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
And he's missing me, if he's not kissing me
And when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul
He looks at me and his brown eyes...
Tell his soul


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