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- 10644
发表于 2004-12-15 23:15
发表于 中国–江苏–扬州 电信
Avril Lavigne艾薇儿·拉维尼——《Don't Tell Me》
绝不平凡!这对艾薇儿·拉维尼(Avril Lavigne)而言已经算是温和的形容词了。她是一个朋克女子、一个爆发力十足的灵魂,一个狂野不羁的女孩。她是那种大约两岁左右,就能够以声音引起人们激赏的怪胎。她是那种没办法乖乖坐在课堂上,但是却充满了自信和决心,并且一个人跑到纽约和洛杉矶去磨练创作技巧的小镇女孩。她是那种完全靠着自己的力量,为了成功不计代价,思想前卫的十七岁叛逆青年。“我才刚出道,我要清楚地做自己,我写出自己的感受,从不在乎其他人怎麽想,”艾薇尔坦诚。“我要穿出本色,做出本色,唱出本色。”
You held my hand and walked me home, I know
Why you gave me the kiss, it was something like this, it made me go
oh oh
You wiped my tears, got rid of all my fears, why did you have to go?
Guess it wasn't enough to take up some of my love, guys are so hard
to trust
Did I not tell you that I'm not like that
Girls the one who gives it all away
Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time
Did you think that it was somethin' I was gonna do, and cry
Don't try to tell me what to do, don't try to tell me what to say
You're better off that way
Don't think that your charmin' and the fact that your arm is now
around my neck
Will get you in my pants, I'll have to kick your ass and make you
never forget
I'm gonna ask you to stop, thought I liked you a lot, but i'm really
upset,really upset.
Get outta my head, get off of my bed, yeah that's what I said
Did I not tell you that I'm not like that
Girl the one who throws it all away
Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time
Did you think it was something I was gonna do, and cry
Don't try to tell me what to do, don't try to tell me what to say
You're better off that way
This guilt trip that you put me on won't mess me up cuz I've done no wrong
Any thoughts of you and me have gone away
Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time
Did you think it was something I was gonna do and cry
Don't try to tell me what to do, don't try to tell me what to say
You're better off that way
Better off that way
I'm better off alone anyway
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